Choose your giving level
Basic Kids Club
$5/month sustainer or $60 annually
Benefits Include:
- Add up to 4 kids per membership
- Monthly program guide
- Access to MontanaPBS Passport on-demand viewing
- Welcome packet for each child enrolled
- Quarterly kids e-newsletter
- Birthday announcement on-air for each child enrolled*
- Birthday card and surprise gift for each child enrolled
- Invitations to special events
- Your membership directly supports expanded early childhood education opportunities in Montana.
*Please allow eight weeks between sign-up and child’s birthday to ensure on-air announcement.
Mid Level Kids Club Membership
$8/month sustainer or $96 annually
Benefits include all the Basic Kids Club benefits, plus:
- Add up to 4 kids per membership
- Surprise Arthur program stuffed plushie
- Arthur Coloring Book
- Your membership directly supports expanded early childhood education opportunities in Montana.
Premiere Kids Club Membership
$10/month sustainer or $120 annually
Benefits include all the Basic Kids Club benefits, plus:
- Add up to 4 kids per membership
- A full-sized PBS character stuffed plushie
- Arthur Coloring Book
- Your membership directly supports expanded early childhood education opportunities in Montana.
Birthday Announcement Times - See your child's name on TV!
PBS Main Channel:
Monday - Friday before 6:30am, 7:30am. 8:30am, 2:30pm, 3:30pm & 4:30pm.
Saturdays before 6:30am. 7:30am. 8:30am. & 9:30am.
Sundays before 6:00am, 6:30am & 7:30am
PBS KIDS Channel:
Daily before 7:00am. 9:00am 11:00am. 1:30pm, 3:30pm and 5:30pm.
Please note that Holidavs or Special events may alter these times slightly.
Contact Us
Phone (toll free): (866) 832-0829
Phone: (406) 994-3437
Fax: (406) 994-6545
Friends of MontanaPBS
PO Box 173340
Bozeman, Montana 59717