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A Message from Our Board Chair | Pat Doyle

Hello from the Friends of MontanaPBS. Our organization is here to support and extend the mission of MontanaPBS, and to help connect Montanans across our vast and varied state.

The relevant and trusted Montana made programming that MontanaPBS brings to the Treasure Sate has never been more important. From award winning arts and entertainment programming to immersive childhood education offerings to statewide and national news programming, MontanaPBS has something for everyone.

MontanaPBS tells the story of Montana like no other organization can and we, invite you to share in our support of this essential, compelling and high-quality public service.


Pat Doyle

Mission Statement

Our mission is to support MontanaPBS through advocacy, community engagement and fundraising.


From the Latin word "advocare" meaning to summon, call to one’s aid. Advocacy is the public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.

Community Engagement

Community engagement refers to the process by which community benefit organizations and individuals build ongoing, permanent relationships for the purpose of applying a collective vision for the benefit of a community.


Fundraising or fund raising (also known as "development") is the process of soliciting and gathering voluntary contributions of money or other resources, by requesting donations from individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies.

Directors & Board Members

Big Sky | Charlie Callander
Billings| Michael Sanderson, Joel Krautter
Bozeman | Aaron Pruitt, Alice Meister, Peg Wherry, Cody Stone

Eureka | Rita Collins
Great Falls | Jessica Crist, Susan, Taleff

Havre | Krystal Steinmetz
Helena |  Pat Doyle, Abbie Cziok
Missoula | Anne Hosler, Adrea Lawrence, Rachel Gregg

Martinsdale| Gayle Berg
Poplar | Rich Peterson
Red Lodge| Kent Young, Diane Young


Friends of MontanaPBS Governance Calendar (2023-2024)


July 1, 2023 Fiscal Year Begins

July 14-15 (Fri PM-Sat) - 

2023-2024 Quarterly Corporate Board Meeting 

Review minutes and financials

Vote on any bylaws and policy changes.

Annual Membership Meeting 

Election of new board directors

Year-end reports from committees and stations

Annual Corporate Board Meeting –

Election of officers

Election of committee chairs

 Selection and election of committee members

Signing of confidentiality and Conflict of Interest agreements

Committees plan year — meeting times, goals and action plans

Schedule board and committee meetings for the year — times, locations and topics

 August 9 (3:30-5pm) 

Executive Committee Meeting 

September 13 (3:30-5pm)

 Executive Committee Meeting

October 11 (3:30-5pm)

Executive Committee Meeting

November 15 (5:30-7pm) 

Electronic Board Meeting 

Financials Reviewed

Reports using consent agenda process

Discussion of national meetings/participants in 2024 (APTS, PBS)

No Executive Committee Meeting in November

December 13 (3:30-5pm) 

Executive Committee Meeting

January 10, 2024 (3:30-5pm) 

Executive Committee Meeting

February 14 (3:30-5pm) 

Executive Committee Meeting

March 13 (3:30-5pm) 

Executive Committee Meeting

March 22-23 (Fri PM-Sat) 

Corporate Board Meeting - (location TBD) 

Financials reviewed

Long-range planning

Educational sessions

Committee updates on progress and action plans 

Preliminary budget planning for next fiscal year

April 10 (3:30-5pm) 

Executive Committee Meeting 

May 8 (3:30-5pm) 

Executive Committee Meeting

May 22 (5:30-7:00pm) 

Electronic Board meeting

Finance and Audit present budget for next fiscal year                discussion and passage

Governance Committee report with recommendations for 2024-2025 board directors and officers

Pending Policy and Bylaws changes presented if necessary

June 12 (3:30-5pm) 

Executive Committee Meeting

July 10 (3:30-5pm) 

Executive Committee Meeting (if needed)

July 19-20 (Fri PM- Sat) 

Annual Meetings – (location TBD)

Governance Documents