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Future Montana PBS Productions

Montana PBS stations KUSM-TV/Bozeman and KUFM-TV/Missoula are always hard at work on new stories for our viewers. Below is a list of future productions that are in our program pipeline. Improved and more economical television production technologies have made it easier than ever before for individuals to create their own programs for potential broadcast.

Montana PBS encourages these Independent Producers, and in some cases we may be able to provide some assistance on your project. Interested in learning more about our Independent Productions? Click here to view FAQs and complete our Program Proposal form.

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40 years ago, Montana PBS became Montana's first community supported public television station. Since then, we’ve expanded our service to the community through award winning programs, educational activities, and community events. Thank you for supporting your Montana PBS!



Jonnie Jonckowski's obsession with bull riding challenged gender stereotypes, resulted in life-threatening injuries, and earned her two world championships. It also led to a life of astonishing heartbreak and triumph. The story of an extraordinary woman with extraordinary mental and physical toughness, Jonnie examines our evolving relationship with animals and the human need to find meaning in whatever we do.


George Bird Grinnell: The Way Forward

When George Bird Grinnell (1849-1938) died, the first sentence of his New York Times obituary lauded him as “the father of American Conservation.” Almost a century later, in 2019, Timothy Egan wrote in The New York Times, “Without a doubt, the United States is a better place because of George Bird Grinnell.” These accolades are well deserved. 

The one-hour documentary will illuminate the man and his work, placing him squarely, even radically, in the forefront of conservation, preservation and indigenous cultural efforts.