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Montana PBS Public Information

Licensee Information

Montana PBS is a service of the Montana University System. A partnership between Montana's two major universities and licensed to the Montana Board of Regents, Montana PBS provides public television and related community outreach and educational services to the state of Montana through a network of stations, transmitters, translators, cable operators, and satellite services.

View Upcoming Meeting Information

Governance and Open Meeting Information

Governance and oversight of Montana PBS begins with station management who report to the administrations of Montana State University and the University of Montana. Current management of the stations resides with:

Aaron Pruitt, Director and General Manager, KUSM-TV / Montana PBS, Montana State University - Bozeman
(406) 994-5021

Anne Hosler, Interim Director, Broadcast Media Center

The governance and administration of the Montana University System is vested with the Board of Regents, which has full power, responsibility, and authority to supervise, coordinate, manage and control the Montana University System, and supervise and coordinate other public educational institutions assigned by law.

The Board consists of seven members appointed by the Governor, and confirmed by the Senate, to seven year overlapping terms. One of the members of the board shall be a student appointed by the Governor who is registered full-time at a unit of higher education under jurisdiction of the board. The length of the term of the student member is one year with possibility of reappointment to successive terms.

The Montana Board of Regents meets regularly, in open, public meetings, per Montana's open meetings statutes.


Public Meeting Notification

Notice is hereby given that the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education, the governing body responsible for MontanaPBS and its licensed stations, will be hosted January 8th at the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education in Helena.  Information about the meeting and meeting agendas are available at the Regents website:

If you would like to be notified of future meetings, you may contact the office of the Commissioner of Higher Education and request to be placed on the meeting notification list.

Board of Regents Members

  • Loren Bough
  • Todd Buchanan
  • Joyce Dombrouski
  • Casey Lozar
  • Jeff Southworth
  • Dean Folkvord
  • Raina Mortenson


Community Representation and EEO

Montana PBS Community Representation Statement
As a public broadcasting station, Montana PBS is committed to providing a rich and diverse service to our statewide community, reflective of our state's population. Similarly, the Montana University System, is committed to promoting diversity in our service, as well as our staff and governance. For information on how Montana PBS works to meet our diversity goals, and how the diversity initiatives and policies of the Montana University System inform hiring policies, please see our Montana PBS Community Representation Statement.

Current Job Opportunities and EEO Reports
As a licensed broadcaster, Montana PBS is required to report annually on our employment activity. For a list of available employment opportunities, as well as the most recent FCC EEO reports for both stations, please visit our Jobs page.

Montana PBS Debate Participation Criteria

Montana’s statewide public television service, Montana PBS, is comprised of KUSM-TV Bozeman and KUFM-TV Missoula, both licensed through their respective university campuses to the Montana University System. Montana PBS presents political coverage and analysis as part of its overall public service and educational mission. During election years, Montana PBS offers programs specifically related to local, state and national elections. A review of Montana PBS’ working policies regarding candidate inclusion in such programming is available for download below.


Each year, Montana PBS conducts an independent audit of its financials, in compliance with Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) requirements. For the purposes of this audit, financial information is gathered from both partner stations, as well as the Friends of Montana PBS, in order to present a unified financial picture for the service. As the universities are governmental agencies, these audits are conducted under GASB auditing guidelines.


Audited Financials

Each year, the Friends of Montana PBS undergoes an independent financial audit. The most recent audit is available here:

Montana PBS Friends Financial Disclosure

Additionally, the Friends of Montana PBS, an independent nonprofit organization, also conducts an annual audit of its financials. The Friends of Montana PBS provides support, and raises funds, for Montana PBS, and represents a portion of the financial support for the service.

Tax-Exempt Information

The Friends of Montana PBS is recognized by the IRS as tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(03) on the Internal Revenue Code. The EIN for the Friends of Montana PBS is 81-0426350. A copy of its most recent determination letter can be found here.

The original filing for tax-exempt status for the organization was made in March, 1995. The organization’s original IRS Form 1023 is not available, as it was filed prior to July 15, 1997.

Tax Filing Information

The Friends of Montana PBS, per IRS requirements, makes current and past IRS-990 forms available for the public here:

2023 Annual Report

Our Annual Report to includes highlights from 2023.

Friends of Montana PBS

Learn more and view the meeting schedule.

Public Media Code of Integrity

Montana PBS supports the Public Media Code of Integrity.

FCC Public Inspection Files

For assistance with access to Montana PBS Public Inspection Files contact: Aaron Pruitt, (406) 994-5021

Closed Captioning

To learn more about Montana PBS's closed captioning certification or for captioning concerns or feedback, view our Closed Captioning Information.

Donor Privacy

Montana PBS does not share its donor data with any non-affiliated organization and complies with all federal and state regulations regarding donor data. View our Privacy Policy.