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Digital Television

MontanaPBS broadcasts free over-the-air Digital Television (DTV) services in the Bozeman, Billings, Butte, Great Falls and Missoula communities. A digital television receiver and an antenna is required to receive the signal.

Currently we broadcast the locally originated primary MontanaPBS Channel in high definition (HD), as well as a locally originated, standard definition children's channel MontanaPBS Kids. Additionally, we broadcast two national pass-through channels, a lifestyle/how-to service MontanaPBS Create, and a non-fiction science, nature, news, public affairs and documentary channel MontanaPBS World. Finally we also broadcast a Montana State government service provided by Montana Public Affairs Network.

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Tuning Information

Depending on how your digital receiver displays channel information, you may see the “true” digital channel (Ch. 8, Bozeman) or you may see a “virtual” channel identifier. This system of “virtual” channels was developed nationally to assist viewers who may be most familiar with their old analog channels in any given community. By assigning the familiar analog channel numbers to a digital channel, you would see the familiar number 9 appear prior to the decimal point on your receiver.

Because digital television allows for multiple broadcast streams to transmit simultaneously, a minor channel number was also developed, indicated by a number following the decimal point. For instance, in the Bozeman area, Ch. 9.1 refers to the MontanaPBS HD program service, where Ch. 9.2 would refer to the MontanaPBS Kids channel. In Missoula, Ch. 11.1 refers to the MontanaPBS HD channel and so on.


StationTrue Digital Channel"Virtual" Digital Channels
Bozeman KUSM-TVCh. 89.1 MontanaPBS HD (high definition primary statewide network)
Butte K43DUCh. 439.2 MontanaPBS Kids
9.3 MontanaPBS Create
9.4 MontanaPBS World
9.5 MontanaPBS Capitol Coverage (TVMT)
Billings KBGS-TVCh. 1616.1 MontanaPBS HD (high definition primary statewide network)
16.2 MontanaPBS Kids
16.3 MontanaPBS Create
16.4 MontanaPBS World
16.5 MontanaPBS Capitol Coverage (TVMT)
Great Falls KUGF-TVCh. 2121.1 MontanaPBS HD (high definition primary statewide network)
21.2 MontanaPBS Kids
21.3 MontanaPBS Create
21.4 MontanaPBS World
21.5 MontanaPBS Capitol Coverage (TVMT)

DTV Information

We at MontanaPBS are very concerned that all Montanans that rely on our service have made the transition to DTV smoothly. As you are now among the informed, we would ask that you consider your friends, neighbors, and family members. Ask yourself who you know that may require a bit of help. Please give us a call at 1-800-426-8243 if you need some help tuning in one of our over-the-air DTV channels.