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Veterans Coming Home: Finding What Works

MontanaPBS is proud to bring you stories of local Montana veterans for the 2018 season of Veterans Coming Home: Finding What Works. These stories, produced in partnership with Kindling Group, explores successful solutions to veteran reintegration that are benefiting individuals and their communities by capitalizing on veterans as assets and leaders. Finding What Works is a cross-platform project that integrates a core digital video series, photo essays and written content with digital distribution strategy and partnerships that build audience, facilitate conversation, and drive people to action.

Veterans Coming Home aims to help veterans and their communities understand the opportunities and challenges faced during the transition to civilian life. Featuring a digital-first series available for streaming on PBS Stories of Service and other partner sites, the project explores military and civilian relationships, and values of service and citizenship as powerful connectors for all Americans.

Veterans Coming Home: Finding What WorksVeterans Coming Home: Finding What Works

Examining some of the programs that are helping post 9-11 veterans here in Montana.

MontanaPBSVeterans Coming Home | Courts Assisting Military Offenders

Veteran’s treatment courts provide a holistic approach to addressing the needs of a veteran who has gotten in trouble. We go behind the scenes at Veteran’s Treatment Court in Billings, Montana, for a close up look at judge who created and maintains the court, the team that supports her, and the vets, whose lives the court changes every day. To learn more, visit

MontanaPBSVeterans Coming Home | Warriors and Quiet Waters

Warriors and Quiet Waters is a program that provides post 9-11 wounded warriors a professionally taught fly fishing experience in Montana. The learning experience provides a new sense of purpose, relaxation, and comradery that can change and save lives. We follow vets on a fishing adventure that is changing & improving their lives. To learn more, visit

MontanaPBSVeterans Coming Home | Extreme Sports for Veterans

The search for the adrenaline rush they experienced in battle, can often lead vets to high levels of destructive behaviors, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts and actions. Extreme Sports for Vets provides vets with that adrenaline rush in a safe, supervised situation, while connecting them with other veterans and potentially life- saving services. To learn more, visit

Additional Resources

A Special Thank You

Veterans Coming Home is a collaborative, multi-platform public media project between Wisconsin Public Television and Kindling Group in partnership with local stations and other national organizations. Veterans Coming Home is made possible with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

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