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Vacancy in the House

MontanaPBSVacancy in the House

The race for Montana's vacant US house seat is going to be short and fierce. Flathead musician Rob Quist and Bozeman businessman Greg Gianforte have less than three months to get to know voters. And voters have many questions. Where do Democrat Rob Quist and Republican Greg Gianforte really stand on health care, public lands, public schools, social security, guns and veterans? What life

The race for Montana's vacant US house seat is going to be short and fierce. Flathead musician Rob Quist and Bozeman businessman Greg Gianforte have less than three months to get to know voters. And voters have many questions. Where do Democrat Rob Quist and Republican Greg Gianforte really stand on health care, public lands, public schools, social security, guns and veterans? What life experiences have shaped their ethics and their politics? "Vacancy in the House" examines these questions. The cameras go from the historic nominating conventions where party insiders chose their candidates, to the streets of Montana where voters express their deepest concerns. The documentary explores the candidates' early lives and influences, revealing two very different men who want to be Montana's sole voice in the House. "Vacancy in the House" delves much deeper in an election where the attack ads started immediately and there is precious little time for Montanans to make up their minds.