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Never Too Late

Never Too LateNever Too Late
Rating: TV-PG

Shad Blair, a 36-year-old plumber , has always dreamed of playing professional basketball.

At 36 years old, Shad is an unlikely professional basketball prospect. A severe injury to his hand while playing at a junior college ended Shad’s athletic career prematurely. Nevertheless, the plumber from Stevensville, MT didn’t let his dream of playing professional basketball fade away.

When Ryan Wetzel, a long retired Montana basketball standout, saw the 6 foot, 11-inch Shad playing in the local amateur league, he knew Shad wasn’t just another rec player. Shad’s speed and agility for such a tall player is uncommon and he might just have what it takes to play professional basketball internationally. With Ryan’s encouragement, Shad dedicates himself to training and rekindles his dream of playing professionally.

Somehow, against all odds, Shad receives an invitation to the Las Vegas Overseas Combine where coaches from all over the world come to scout players to sign for their international pro teams. With the support of his family, and all of his savings, Shad lays it all on the line to see once and for all if he has what it takes to play professional basketball.