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Back from the Brink: Montana's Wildlife Legacy

This is a two-part documentary about exploitation and depletion, need and greed and ultimately a story of restoration, renewal and rebirth of Montana's rich wildlife resource. Both parts include many historical photos, films, illustrations, paintings and interviews of old timers, citizens, sportsmen, historians, and wildlife experts. Produced by Terry Lonner, Media Works Studio, Bozeman, MT.

Part One

Part One chronicles the depletion of Montana's wildlife during the 1800's and also features the beginning of Montana's conservation movement during the first half of the 20th Century. This included the establishment of game farms for planting birds, the advent of scientific wildlife management and the landmark federal Pittman-Robertson (P-R) Act. (First Aired Tuesday, March 06, 2007)

Part Two

Part Two documents how Montana citizens, state and federal agencies and universities worked together to take action in restoring the state's once abundant big game and furbearer populations. It concludes with discussions of how citizens must work together to be ever vigilant to threats against wildlife and its habitat, so never again will Montana's wildlife have to be brought "Back from the Brink". (First Aired Sunday, March 08, 2009)

Filer image

Program Copyright 2005 Media Works, Bozeman, MT through a production agreement with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Foundation.