Sex Talk: Our Children, Their Choices
First Aired Tuesday, May 24, 2005
A Grizzly football star and his wife make the commitment to refrain from sex until their 2003 marriage. A Missoula sixth-grader learns about birth control in science class. A Deer Lodge native makes his living campaigning for abstinence across Montana. A Columbia Falls student becomes pregnant at 15. Montana's teens make difficult choices about sex that affect the rest of their lives.
The University of Montana Student Documentary Unit takes an incisive look at the issues, controversies, tools and resources involved when young people are taught about sex. The documentary includes on-location reports from Absarokee, Conrad, Hamilton, Helena, Great Falls, Missoula and other towns in Montana. Produced by the students of the University Of Montana School Of Journalism, Department of Radio-Television and by Faculty Advisors Bill Knowles and Ray Ekness.