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Meth: Dark Cloud Over The Big Sky

First Aired Wednesday, May 23, 2001

From the heart of Montana's cities to the wide open spaces, the horror of methamphetamine is spreading through our state. The drug once used by Japanese kamikaze pilots in WWII is gaining popularity with young and old alike. You'll hear the story of two Montana teenagers whose lives were cut short because of meth, and hear from family and friends who struggle still to understand the addiction. You'll meet a Miles City man, formerly a seller and user of meth, who now reaches out to kids around the state to warn them about its deadly consequences. Parents will learn to recognize the signs of meth abuse, and learn what they can do to help their children.

Law enforcement calls meth the most serious drug problem in Montana, with money and resources going to battle. Meth takes its toll in other ways, from labs that contaminate the property of innocent landlords, to taxing our prison system and breaking up families. Produced by Lisa Zimmerman and by the students of the University Of Montana School Of Journalism, Department of Radio-Television. Bill Knowles, Executive Producer.

Filer image
Meth: Dark Cloud Over The Big SkyMeth: Dark Cloud Over The Big Sky
Rating: NR

This show highlights methamphetamine's raucous rise in Montana.