From The People: Montana's 2012 Ballot Measures
First Aired Thursday, October 04, 2012
In addition to races for the senate and governorship, Montanans will also be deciding two citizen-proposed ballot measures.
From the People: Montana's 2012 Ballot Measures

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In addition to high profile races for U.S. Senate and Governor, Montanans will also be deciding two citizen-proposed ballot measures. One puts medical marijuana reform passed by the 2011 Legislature up for a public vote. The other places a nonbinding state directive that corporations are not people. The 2011 State Legislature is also putting three measures up to a public vote regarding abortion, immigration, and the Affordable Care Act. This program provides clear information from both sides of these measures. Viewers will also learn about the history of the citizen-passed initiative in Montana and how the process works today.
Montana Public Media
Montana Public Media is a collaboration among MontanaPBS, Montana Public Radio, Yellowstone Public Radio and The University of Montana School of Journalism in effort to bring together the comprehensive news reporting of each entity to one website. Montana Public Media provides daily news reporting along with in-depth documentary coverage of Montana politics.