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2013 Archived Episodes

Oil and Gas Leases In Montana (2013) (No. 3901)

MSU Economist Tim Fitzgerald talks about oil and gas leases in Montana.

How Are The Students? (No. 3902)

Assistant Dean of the College of Ag Nora Smith discusses MSU College of Ag students.

Critter Chat! (No. 3903)

MSU Extension Wildlife Specialist Jim Knight addresses wildlife damage control.

The Bees' Knees! (No. 3904)

MSU virologist Michel Flenniken answers questions regarding honeybee diseases.

Women Take Over Ag Live! (No. 3905)

Join us for "women's night at AG Live" with our first ever all-female panel.

Montana Treasures: Can Fish & Ag Coexist? (No. 3906)

Montana FWP Fisheries Chief Bruce Rich discusses agriculture and healthy fish populations.

Grain Markets In Montana Today (No. 3907)

MSU agricultural economist Anton Bekkerman looks at the changing landscape of Montana's grain markets.

2013 Legislative Impact On MSU (No. 3908)

Tracy Ellig will visit Montana Ag Live, and bring viewers up to date on the 2013 legislative session.

Cover Crops for Soil Health (No. 3909)

Perry Miller, MSU's cropping system specialist, will address the reality of using cover crops in Montana to improve soil health.

A Biochemist Looks at Montana Crops (No. 3910)

Dr. Dave Sands, MSU Biochemist, will explore methods to improve crop nutrition.

Rangeland Fires (No. 4001)

MSU Range Ecologist Craig Carr comes to AG Live to discuss Montana rangeland fire issues

Herbicide-Adapted Weeds (No. 4002)

Weed Scientist Center Trashant Jah will discuss herbicide resistance in agriculture.

Rural School Safety II (No. 4003)

Join us as John Dudley gives us an update on school safety issues in rural Montana.

Estate Planning Update 2013 (No. 4004)

MSU Ag Economist Joel Schumacher will be on the panel to discuss financial and estate planning for rural Montanans.

Farm Bill 2013 (No. 4005)

What is going on with the Farm Bill? MSU Ag Economist Vince Smith will let us know the latest details.

Climate Change (No. 4006)

Research Ecologist Greg Pederson looks at climate change and how it affects agriculture.